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Keyla's Journey


By: Keyla

My name is Keyla and today I am post op day 4 from jpouch surgery, my feelings are so raw and real I decided I needed to get them off my chest and share my story. I recently had 75 days with my buddy Mr Stomi, and underwent my 2nd phase of jpouch surgery.  Growing up as a child I always suffered from stomach aches so when the time came that I needed to go to the doctors I never knew that being in pain was not “normal”.


It wasn’t until one day at work when I passed out from excruciating pain, that my coworkers said I should go to the doctors.  I was 27 when I was first diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I never really understood my disease and the severity of it until about 3 years ago. The doctors tell you your diagnosis but never truly break it down for you, or tell you this is your new life long friend.


I tried several medications which had it somewhat under control until 3 years ago when I was diagnosed with uterine cancer, where I had to make the decision of having a hysterectomy. Since then it’s been an exhausting battle, with many ER visits, second opinions, and admissions.


And finally in September I decided I was ready to evict this broken colon. Anyone who knew me knew, an ostomy was NOT what I wanted. I was afraid of everything and anything you could possibly think of life with an ostomy would be. But the more I saw on social media it’s okay to have an ostomy the more I became and have become comfortable with my decision. So I’m writing this to all those who are afraid of the idea, afraid of every single complication and thought that comes with an ostomy or any IBD  surgery.


It’s okay to be afraid, but we all just have to take a second, breathe, realize our disease does not define us, we are all beautiful no matter what, and know that we are not alone. 

It’s okay to be afraid, but we all just have to take a second, breathe, realize our disease does not define us, we are all beautiful no matter what, and know that we are not alone. - Keyla


1984 Howell Mill Rd #19615

Atlanta, GA 30325



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